The Docs
Add Channel Response Bot to your workspace AND your channel before starting!
Replying when a word or phrase is present

Go to the channel you want to set up replies for and begin your command with "/crb-contains". Next add what phrase or word you want to trigger on. Finally, add the "--reply" flag and then write your response afterwards. See the results below
You can also end the command with --threaded to reply in thread

Replying when a word or phrase is not present

Go to the channel you want to set up replies for and begin your command with "/crb-missing". Next add the phrase or word you need to be in every message sent to a channel. Finally, add the "--reply" flag and then write your response afterwards. See the results below
You can also end the command with --threaded to reply in thread

Replying when a word or phrase matches your regex pattern

Go to the channel you want to set up replies for and begin your command with "/crb-regex". Next add the python compliant regex to match against messages in the channel. Finally, add the "--reply" flag and then write your response afterwards. See the results below
You can also end the command with --threaded to reply in thread

Viewing what rules are configured for the channel you're in

Go to the channel you want to view the rules of and run the command "/crb-rules".

Delete Rule
Deleting a rule that is no longer needed

Get the ID of the rule you want to delete by running "/crb-rules" and then run the command "/crb-delete" followed by the rule ID.

Set Channel Hours
Setting a time range for when a reply should be sent to all messages in a channel

The command takes days (Mon-Fri), hours (17:30-23:59) and a the message to be sent (This channel is not actively monitored after hours). Add a timezone if GMT doesn't suit (-tz GMT+10)

List Channel Hours
List the time ranges set for when a reply will be sent to all messages in a channel

Go to the channel you want to view the hours of and run /crb-hours

Delete Channel Hours
Deleting a set of channel hours that is no longer needed

Get the ID of the hours you want to delete by running "/crb-hours" and then run the command "/crb-delete-hours" followed by the hours ID.